Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i - JalanPandai -->

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Hallo Sobat. Ada lagi nihh rom yang sudah menunggu sobat semua. Yayy Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i.

Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i

Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i ini base kitkat row 111/201. Untuk row 108/110 harus unpact dan repact boot.img dulu. Biar gak bootloop.

Features Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i
- Large-scale changes in the interface for the entire system.
- Fixed Work Root access.
- Fixed screen Charge the phone off.
- Replaced the icons of system applications.
- Additional new features in the settings.
- Firmware absolutely free.
- Report a bug, you can send directly from our Alice applications.
- Changed the graphics part.
- In the setting of some of the items have been moved to the points – category.
- Vibrant and bright colors have been replaced with a more restrained.
- Added ability to switch to the quick settings directly from the notification bar.
- Power menu in the curtain replaced by a button when clicked climbs dialogue.
- The shutter profile pozzovatelya added. For smali thanks FMD.
- The firmware already built-Gapps, so place them will not have to

Bug : Belum ada Google Playstore

Note Book :
- Untuk recents app tidak ditekan lama tetapi tap dua kali pada menu home
- Untuk melihat Expanded bar tekan bawah status bar diarea kosong ,
+ Methode Installation

Coba juga : Rom MIUI 7 lenovo a369i row 111/201

Tambahan : Setelah masuk home screen nanti Gapps force close. Abaikan saja, itu hanya satu kali setelah itu akan normal kembali

- Needrom
- Forum 4PDA Ru
- Alice Team - Hendrix Iglesias
- Nurdinayono Nueyon
- All User ADVAN Indonesian
- All User Lenovo A369i 

Link Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i KESINI.
Kalau ente kagak tau caranya download file di Mega. Pakai cara INI.

Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i

Hallo Sobat. Ada lagi nihh rom yang sudah menunggu sobat semua. Yayy Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i.

Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i

Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i ini base kitkat row 111/201. Untuk row 108/110 harus unpact dan repact boot.img dulu. Biar gak bootloop.

Features Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i
- Large-scale changes in the interface for the entire system.
- Fixed Work Root access.
- Fixed screen Charge the phone off.
- Replaced the icons of system applications.
- Additional new features in the settings.
- Firmware absolutely free.
- Report a bug, you can send directly from our Alice applications.
- Changed the graphics part.
- In the setting of some of the items have been moved to the points – category.
- Vibrant and bright colors have been replaced with a more restrained.
- Added ability to switch to the quick settings directly from the notification bar.
- Power menu in the curtain replaced by a button when clicked climbs dialogue.
- The shutter profile pozzovatelya added. For smali thanks FMD.
- The firmware already built-Gapps, so place them will not have to

Bug : Belum ada Google Playstore

Note Book :
- Untuk recents app tidak ditekan lama tetapi tap dua kali pada menu home
- Untuk melihat Expanded bar tekan bawah status bar diarea kosong ,
+ Methode Installation

Coba juga : Rom MIUI 7 lenovo a369i row 111/201

Tambahan : Setelah masuk home screen nanti Gapps force close. Abaikan saja, itu hanya satu kali setelah itu akan normal kembali

- Needrom
- Forum 4PDA Ru
- Alice Team - Hendrix Iglesias
- Nurdinayono Nueyon
- All User ADVAN Indonesian
- All User Lenovo A369i 

Link Rom Minimal UI lenovo a369i KESINI.
Kalau ente kagak tau caranya download file di Mega. Pakai cara INI.

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